the Black Dog

I'm a regular guy and most days, I'm pretty okay. Some days, I battle depression. I've always been fond of Winston Churchill's reference to this as his "black dog" - proof to me that even great men battle their demons and that a productive and even happy life is not impossible with the occasional bout with the Black Dog. Here then is where I battle mine.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

One thing

I am sure that I am unworthy and inadequate compared to my peers and friends.

I know that the whole “I’m a fraud” line of thinking is something common and something we all have to wrestle with. But I see people who have really done amazing things all the time and I think of how little I have really done.

For example, I have a college buddy who is about the funniest guy I know. He’s active in so many things and he complimented me when I joined the Knights and advised me to try to reach the fourth degree. Because he is already there of course. He got his law degree and actually practiced. He has the same political convictions as I do, but he is active and well-regarded in the party. We have walked the same path but I have sat apart, skimmed the surface and not really done much. He has dived in and been the kind of man we should all aspire to.

I’m such a fricken dilettante.

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